- This game is designed to teach kids about the guns of Shree Navpad.
- The path is Arihant (Start), Siddha, Āchārya, Upādhyāy, Sādhu, Darshan, Gyān, Chāritra & Tap (end).
Numbers are mentioned on the top of each pad. - Your dice should land the exact number as shown on each pad.
e.g. To land on Arihant pad, you must get one on 1 dice & two on the other dice. - After landing on the pad you must recite all the guns from the information card.
- If your dice does not get the same number then turn goes to the next player.
- The first player to reach Tap wins the game.
Khushbu shah –
Very good game
Pragnesh shah –
Very innovative ideas for understanding better navpad to childrens through this game.Every parents should purchase for their childrens